
TwitterFonはサイボウズラボのKazuho Okuiさんが開発したiPhoneTwitterクライアントなのだけれど、昨日からタイムライン読み込み中にクラッシュして落ちる現象が出るようになった。一度クラッシュするとその後は起動の度に落ちるようになってしまう。

#「unexpectedly and randomly.」という下りが開発者の怒りを示しているね(w


Some users have been reporting me that TwitterFon crashes on launch. This has been happening since this afternoon. The root cause is that twitter has changed their JSON response which favorite status value is null instead of bool unexpectedly and randomly.

Some users said that re-install TwitterFon then it worked again, but re-installing TwitterFon won't solve the issue fundamentally because once TwitterFon gets affected JSON object, it starts to crash again.

I have already submitted a new version which implemented a workaround to address the issue, but it will take a few days to get an approval from AppStore. Also, I reported the issue to Twitter. I hope they fix the issue soon. Otherwise, you have to wait until Apple approves the new version of TwitterFon.

Sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for supporting TwitterFon.

Update(12/04 13:00): I got a response from Twitter API team and they started to investigate the issue.