
I’m ceasing development on SQLite/Ruby, SQLite3/Ruby, Net::SSH (and related libs, Net::SFTP, Net::SCP, etc.) and Capistrano. I will no longer be accepting patches, bug reports, support requests, feature requests, or general emails related to any of these projects. For Capistrano, I will continue to follow the mailing list, and might appear in the #capistrano irc channel from time to time, but I am no longer the maintainer of these projects. I will continue to host the site and wiki for as long as they are of use to people.

This was a very hard decision, and one that has taken me months to come to grips with. I cannot express how much I appreciate the huge support from everyone that has found value in Capistrano, in particular. Your kind words and encouragement have meant a lot to me. But I’m burning out, and I have to drop these before things get worse. Maybe after some period of time I’ll come back to them―I don’t know. But I’m not planning on it.

