骨折のエドゥアルド(アーセナル)、「I'm ready for return」と宣言



Eduardo - Now I am ready for the first team

“I think I am ready for the first team but you would have to ask the boss,” the striker said. “I feel very well and I’m training hard every day. Of course I want to come back quick and strong. Now, every game for me is a big step.












"But he is a brilliant guy, Rosicky. We miss him highly.”


Rosicky’s comeback may be ‘in eight weeks’

According to Arsène Wenger, Arsenal have badly missed the 28-year-old midfielder but he has handled his long absence admirably.

“If all goes well [he’ll be back in] eight weeks,” said the manager. “But that assumes he survives as we increase the intensity of training.

“So far Tomas has been exceptional frankly - exceptionally strong, exceptionally patient, exceptionally resilient.

“The most difficult thing in sport is when you have an injury and you try to practice very hard to come back and it doesn’t work so you have to rest and start again. That’s the most difficult thing.

"But he is a brilliant guy, Rosicky. We miss him highly.”





On Andrei Ashavin…

"There is nothing new, because today I have been focused on the game, and I did not pick up any phone calls so nothing has happened. It was 90 per cent that I will be able to give you more in the next two days. Remember in this job the other 10 per cent can be more important than the other 90 because people can change their mind quickly."

一方Telegraphによれば「アルシャビンとの交渉は9割方片付いたが残りの10%が最も難しい。」「後2日の間に進展があるだろう。しかし最終局面になると人は簡単に考えを変えるものだ」という二つのセンテンスから成り立っている。引用府付いているってことは両サイトともヴェンゲルの発言を指しているはずだが公式の方が省略し過ぎなのかな?「It was」と「the deal」では趣旨が変わってくるはずなんだがどちらが信用できるのか。


Arsenal move for Andrei Arshavin '90 per cent complete'

He said: "There is nothing new on Arshavin, I have been concentrating on the game and not taking calls.
"But the deal is maybe 90 per cent completed. However, the final 10% of any deal can be the most difficult.
"Maybe in the next two days. In this kind of job it can be difficult at this stage because people can change their minds completely."



Arshavin deal '90% completed'

Speaking after his side's 1-1 draw at Everton on Wednesday night, Wenger had suggested that the club were not close to landing the Russian.

However, the French coach has now confirmed the Gunners are nearing an agreement, but admits the final 10 per cent of talks can be the most difficult.

He said: "There is nothing new on Arshavin, I have been concentrating on the game and not taking calls.

"But the deal is maybe 90 per cent completed. However, the final 10 per cent of any deal can be the most difficult.

"Maybe in the next two days. In this kind of job it can be difficult at this stage because people can change their minds completely."